Saturday, October 3, 2015

Professor Layton "Versus" Phoenix Wright

For those of you who enjoyed this game, I felt how Doctor Evil above because the title said so. It's supposed to be the dream bout that I was waiting for but turned out to be much more then I expected.

After I played this game, I realized how much I liked it more then Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. Don't get me wrong though. AA:DD was great as an entry in the AA series but AA:Trials and Tribulations did a good job determining the true direction that the prosecutor and defense attorney should be aspiring for. Oh Dahlia....You gave us such a great conclusion to that game that I can't help but revert back to you when I think about the best witness on the stand.
By the way, this is Shirokumapan cosplaying as Dahlia Hawthorne.

Anyway back to the real topic, Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright. I it really called that in Japan or is it just using the effect of Naruhodou's point as an X and really calling it Professor Layton X Phoenix Wright? Kind of like Hunter X Hunter?

I loved this game, it challenged me with the Layton puzzles that I never really invested much time on but I truly enjoyed them as it was a welcome change of pace between each court trial.
The characters were fun to interact with especially when multiple witnesses are called to the stand!
It's an element that was added for this branch of the series that doesn't seem to be used by the main series because they're trying to loosely "emulate" what really happens in a court of law but I've never seen multiple witnesses ever so its being used in settings that are not connected to the main storyline. It seems though that they are continuing this feature in the adventures of Ryunosuke and Sherlock.
Hopefully they continue this branch of the series as I liked the partner ship of Wright and Layton. Although there are no current plans to release this in the west but we can always hope right? I for one want to have a Yamato Nadeshiko as my partner. Check out this trailer to convince yourself that this is a game worthy of the franchise

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

World of Warcraft - Killer Instinct Fulgore reference

I don't know if you've noticed but Vul'gor is a reference to a Killer Instinct character, Fulgore. Below is a picture of him. Notice the claws on each arm? Hehe just in case because he was one of my favorites in that game.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Rogue Tier 17 bonuses

Blackrock Foundry is going to be opening soon but who cares about the new encounter? Its time to start thinking about the tier set bonuses. Here they are:

Hmmm I hope that I get my tier pieces soon! Nothing beats being able to put out more damage

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The cute archers of Chain Chronicle

I love the artists commissioned for this character. Charming pose 😁

Monday, January 19, 2015

Android Games - Chain Chronicle

I recently picked up a new mobile game after watching a episode of Sega Academy. The girls were playing it and I just had yto play it but when I tried looking it up in the play store, it wasn't available so I played crusader quest till I chanced upon Chain Chronicle. It has shorter bursts of gameplay but I noticed each session is getting longer as I level up. So guess I better increase my rank while spamming the events to get the most out of the limited time to play. For now here is a screenshot of one of my favorite paladins =) Robby, the swift swordswoman

Raiding Highmaul as a Rogue

Raiding as a rogue and viewing the trends of fellow rogues has proven that the subtlety rogue is now a viable option for raiding. Its odd really but in Mists of Pandaria, the subtlety rogue still was ranked the highest in the DPS charts with the combat rogue coming in first and the assassination rogue coming in last based on sources like Noxxic and Icy-Veins. Despite it being the highest DPS spec it just didn't become the top raiding spec in Mists due to a couple of reasons.

The tier bonus of the Siege of Orgrimmar gave a combat rogue a shorter cooldown on damage enhancing skills, shadow blades and adrenaline rush. Along with that, the attack speed was greatly enhanced by Haste in Mists of Pandaria. With Haste being the main secondary stat of Mists of Pandaria, the combat rogue gained more damage up time then a subtlety rogue could. Another reason why the combat rogue didn't have issues like damage per second was because they could maximize their abilities more easily compared to a subtlety rogue that was limited from using backstab as a primary damage dealer since they had to be directly behind the target.

With that the combat rogue dominated encounters like the spoils of Pandaria, Protectors of the vale and Garrosh himself.

That though is a different story in Warlords of Draenor. The combat rogue's haste has been turned down a notch and was increased on the most recent hot fix if I'm not mistaken. With haste's effectiveness lowered, the all important auto attack damage that accumulated the DPS charts of a combat rogue gradually reduced. Shadow blades has been removed and subtlety rogues now can use backstab as the position requirements have been lifted partially and can be used on the sides of the bosses. Now with the subtlety rogue giving as much attacks as a combat rogue, the importance of that all important burst comes in to greater value thanks to Multistrike giving the rogue more chances to trigger critical blows. The AOE rotation of a subtlety rogue also helps as its just fan of knives and crimson tempest.

Oh the bliss of being a subtlety rogue is now an option for raiders and PVP'ers alike. That's why I'm currently running a Subtlety / Combat rogue right now. The secondary stats easily mesh and it depends on the current weapon and trinket. That is for now...Once Blackrock Foundry is out, the tier bonus will kick in and the higher i-lvl crafted gear will change things. I hope not too much though because I'm enjoying subtlety right now.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The beauty of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

I've been busy since my last post but I've decided I needed to make time to post about World of Warcraft so I just wanted to share this picture of beauty as I was fishing in shadowmoon valley.