Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wow: Warlords of Draenor - The invasion of the iron tide

October 14 has finally come and it's time for Grommash's Iron horde to start it's foray into Azeroth.

The patch implementation has been smooth and all I had to do was really wait for the files to finish initializing in battle.net and it was time to throw myself at the pre-patch.

First impressions was how things got lively in our capital cities with people buzzing about the changes. To my delight, I had my challenge gear mounts sent to me and my valor, honor and justice converted to gold.

I went through the fun process of converting stuff I had in my bank into toys for the toy box and retiring MOP items. It's funny though, I didn't expect some items like the overgrown lily pad to change into the wilted lily pad. It is a symbiosis item for sale pve'ing but it's not a loss since I rarely used it.

What I enjoyed seeing in particular was Khadgar return to the front line of the story. I remember him like this...
Forcefully aged and hanging around Shattrah. They had a cool pic of him up in the battle.net site but his 3D sprite didn't do him justice. Well not until the pre-patch
He's now a battle hardened mage with a gritty look that reminds of the characters of warhammer. Old gritty men whose seen hard times. I'm looking forward to more fun experiences. Oh blizzard... Let's have fun..

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