Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wow: Warlords of Draenor - The combat rogue in the pre-patch

Playing as an assassination / combat rogue for mop has taught me that the combat rogue spec is the class for me in a PVE environment.

The Combat rogue rotation is focused on the expert timing of bursts to make the most of passive states(Revealing strike, Deep insight, Slice and Dice, Rupture, Shadow blades and Adrenaline Rush) to cause more damage.

If you were a combat rogue user, the first thing you want to do is get your slice and dice, revealing strike & rupture up. Maintain it through out a whole fight and use Sinister strike to build up combo points. Of course using your finishing moves to constantly give damage (Envenom / Eviscerate). The ideal state after you've got this all going is that once you should have 5 combo points ready due to Anticipation and 5 more for your opponent. When Deep insight triggers, you immediately use Killing spree, after that killing spree, activate Adrenaline rush and shadow blades, then fire off your first finishing move, then once the reserve 5 come into place , trigger another finishing move! Then go crazy and build massive combo points with revealing strike / sinister strike, use more finishing moves and reset any passives that are close to fall off. The perfect way to end a deep insight phase is to use a rupture w/ 5 combo points.

The purpose of this is to maximize the additional damage bonus that'll come from the deep insight phase. If this is done successfully, the passive effect of Restless blades would have refreshed the cooldown of killing spree and get more then 2 minutes of the cooldown times of Adrenaline rush and Shadow blades. In between this time you are building up combat points and refreshing cooldowns then the cycle begins anew. There is actually one more passive you can churn out is the crimson tempest one but I have difficulty putting it into my rotation so I'm usually leaving it out eventhough its a DOT.

Its a wonderful rotation wherein your focus is to time things according to the passives cooldowns. In between this all you're trying to survive the onslaught of whatever target you are dispatching. The beauty of such a rotation really comes out when you're against a raid boss. Planning what I like to call murder phases wherein I can churn out as much damage as possible.

The only disadvantage of this spec is that you can't control when you go into the deep insight phase. This of course is now controlled in Warlords of Draenor because the only way you can trigger the movement between the phases is by using sinister strike. It gives you more control and allows you to time those burst phases. This is all the more important in Warlords of Draenor as the auto attack damage has been reduced so you can't only rely on your auto attacks.

Based on my limited time playing the pre-patch, Rupture is gone with Shadow blades but I still use the same rotation and replaced my rupture with crimson tempest so no lose there. I didn't feel any weaker and felt like I had more control with my class. I'm looking forward to my new level 100 I take the one for poisons? Or shall I go for death from above? I feel that the death from above is the right choice for combat and the poison talent will be for assassination but who knows? We'll find out once we get to November 14, 2014.

I can't wait :D

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