2 Hailstorm's on a Draenei Deathknight.
Before we talk about the awesome blade that is the Hailstorm, I think it is befitting if we try to understand why that sword is a reward from Alexstrasza within the chest called Alexstrasza's Gift.
Malygos is basically an aspect who was driven mad by the despair he felt from losing his dragonflight to the encounter with Deathwing or also known as Neltharion.
After defeating him in his Eye of Eternity, Alexstrasza rewards the heroes who defeated him by dropping the lootable chest, Alexstrasza's Gift. Why she would drop this, I'm not sure but I guess it may have been something she developed with the elements around Northrend.
To quote the flavor text on the cards, "Da blade may not be made of steel, mon but it still be as sharp as a razor" - Warmaster Bo'jo
Its a fantastic weapon from the Eye of eternity and truly a treat for those of you who are transmoggers as its one of a kind and worth every single effort to get it. If you're looking into getting this, don't forget to run this instance in 10-man normal and good luck :D
On another note, I mentioned Warmaster Bo'jo. For those of you who don't play the WOW TCG, he's a hero card with some funny flavor text. "I don't have a schedule mon, I just make it up as I go!". His card is found in the Illidan set of the Wow card game that is no longer being published.
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