Friday, May 9, 2014

Steven Universe - Believe in Steven

While looking around youtube, I came across this cartoon that immediately charmed me once I saw it.

I'm so happy the creator, Rebecca Sugar was given the opportunity to animate this cartoon. Its a cartoon about Steven Universe, he's a child on the way to becoming an adult. The things he goes through is clearly beyond things a normal child would ever go through but its those amazing scenarios the writers have created that help him learn all the lessons in life.

Steven reflects a little bit of everyone's childhood innocence. He's surrounded by 3 girls who clearly have a bigger responsibility but have decided that he should be watched over by them. 

Pearl is the knowledgeable over protective big sister. She's my favorite character because she comes across as graceful but is constantly put into situations that would break that image. Its charming really. She has a penchant for collecting swords.

Amethyst, is the bully of the group who is a little rough around the edges and very unorganized. 

Garnet is the strong silent type

I clearly have a bias for Pearl but I hope all of you have the opportunity to watch this great TV show. :D The  original pilots art is interesting.

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